Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Pages 117-132

Gaseous-existing in the state of a gas; not solid or liquid.
Illumined-To give light to.

Plot: Beatty asks Montag to join him on a very special case. So they go to burn somewhere. Montag is surprised when they stop and he gets out to see his own house. Mildred put in the alarm and was leaving when he got there. So Montag is told to go burn his own house. So he does. But then Beatty threatens to go to Faber and burn him. Montag gets mad and burns Beatty. Beatty rolls around and dies. And then he kills the robotic hound that finds the people that have books. And thats all we read.

Other: "All is well that is well in the end"

Thursday, April 1, 2004

Pages 132-148

Rarity-something rare, unusual, or uncommon.

Exhalations- the act of exhaling.

Plot: So after Montag kills Beatty he tries to get up . But the hound bit his leg so he had a big problem. He endured the pain, grabbed the remaining books and ran. He ran to a gas staion to clean himself up. He then ran to Fabers house. Faber turned on a T.V. and it was talking about Montag. It said he was a fugitive and that the hound was out there looking for him. Montag told Faber to get rid of his scent by burning or cleaning what he touched. Montag then left and ran toward the river.

Other: I found out they had hobo camps at that time.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Pages 148-159

Words: Guild: An organization of persons with related interests, goals, etc.

Carnations: Any of numerous cultivated varieties of the clove pink, Dianthus caryophyllus, having long-stalked, fragrant, usually double flowers in a variety of colors: the state flower of Ohio.

Plot: In this part Montag finally reaches the river. He jumps in and lets the current carry him. He goes on for about an hour and gets out. He decides to walk the rest of the way. Then he almost tripped on something. It was the railroad track. He did what Faber said and followed it. He went until he saw a fire lit in the distance. He then walked to it and there were 5 guys sitting by the fire getting warmed up. They invite Montag to come over and sit with them . Then I stopped reading.